Flame Flame - Videos


Little kids in the 'hood ain't got no money or no
clothes/ they look at videos and see a Bentley or a Rolls/
cats rock so much ice even got the children froze/ glued to
the tube with the screen touchin' they nose/ see a throw
back jersey, them new shoes and they want those/ they
see how you dance they in the mirror strikin' a pose/ little
girls see how women dance and start takin' off clothes/
about 5 years old and this is all that she knows/ this is all
that he knows because that's all that he sees/ a new rap
artist is 'bout all that he wanna be/ then you get cats like
me that come to him talkin' bout Jesus/ they so brain
washed they look at me and be like please/ you try to
convince them Jesus would want to see them saved/ but
they rather ball, rather hit the mall and get paid/ about 16
now and homie is ready to drive/ he is ready for sex but he
ain't ready for God/ check him out

Videos, T.V. is the city of dreams/ and everything on
the screen ain't always what it seems/ you might get
fooled if you don't know the truth from lies/ that's why we
bringin' you the truth of God (2x)

Call it all fun and games and sometimes it is/ but
other times got they mind in a quiz/ little homie skippin'
classes/ checked his ash tray for ashes/ plus he threw
away his glasses/ now he think he need a chain and some
Timberland boots/ if she don't look like the girls on the
video she ain't cute/ now he think he need a gun and he
stay in the suburbs/ play any rap song and he know all the
words/ all of the dances, all of the shakes/ ain't never seen
a scale and he's talkin' bout movin' weight/ now he let his
pants sag and he's tryin' to get high/ ain't never had a fight
talkin' about "thug til I die"/ ain't never felt held the heat,
ain't never felt the heat/ now he's tryin' to go to jail so he
can say he from the streets/ now this is what he sees and
they call it entertainment/ mentally he's in chains some of
the blame goes to the videos

Videos don't show how it is gettin' beat/ or feelin'
so dumb in school that you feel you gotta cheat/ Videos
don't show mamma jugglin' money/ nor do they hear you
when you say mamma I'm hungry/ all they do is tease you
with a Benz that's so plush/ but mom ain't got no ends her
and her friends on the bus/ all they do is show you all cats
on a yacht/ while daddy's in the streets after 3 smokin'
rocks/ they don't show you baby mammas baby daddies
bout to bang/ they sell you this world that exists outside of
pain/ all them cars lookin' good all them cribs lookin' good/
but unfortunately that ain't how it is in the 'hood/ real
things goin' down, real guns bustin' rounds/ real tears
bein' shed, real cats and the feds/ real people that need
Jesus to save them from they sins/ to show them discipline
then to die and rise again/ they show you lies on videos