Flame Flame - How Long

How Long

I question myself yo' Flame
why are you tryin'/ to live without the
Lion of Judah inside you are dyin'/
Not communin' with the God of
Mount Zion/ Can't you see you're
denyin'/ the very God they can't
break down to a science/ I know
you're young and you see some
things that you think you are missin'/
Man you trippin' you're missin'
nothin' get back on your mission/ you
followed the flesh next you would
wallow in mess/ don't let thinkin' bout
sex throw you back like a you're
Mitchell and Ness/ don't get weary in
your well-doin'/ you were doin' well
until you let your well ruin and run dry/
tryin' to fulfill them selfish ambitions/ making sinful
decisions without repentance leaves only contention/
don't forget you're a professin' Christian/ them lyrics
you've written they don't mean nothin' unless they match
your livin'/ no one ever received elevation dibblin' and
dabblin' and rappin' with procrastination

How long has it been since we've communicated/ oh
Lord I'm tired of sin it keeps me humiliated/ so much sin in
the world we in and I've been regenerated/ oh Lord I need
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus oh, how long has it been?

I haven't been girded with the full armor/ I've
deserted your Word it turned to nervousness and then full
drama/ it's better for me to have never known/ than to
know the truth and turn back to what is wrong/ that's like
spewin' from my own stomach/ then turnin' around and
eatin' my own vomit/ when I've been made clean and I
don't mean Comet/ Lord break me abase me make me face
holiness/ shake me shape me make me face loneliness/
redeem me rescue this vessel press through/ so much just
to get next to you it's stressful/ it helps to confess my test
it's just to bless you/ disconnected I need to connect to
you/ where can I go to escape from your presence/ you're
omnipresent you're present in hell and present in heaven/
plus I'm weary and wounded/ my theory's consumed in/
iniquity's union my history is sick with influence

Lord let these broken bones rejoice in a song/
givin' you glory until I get home/ never takin' my freedom
and overthrow your authority on the throne/ livin' it holy
until I get home/ desperate measures will I take from now
on to stay away from what I'm knowin' is wrong/ selfcontrol
because my suffering is long/ no more will I ignore
the fact that it's on/ prayin' until you come back for your
own/ I'm fearfully and I'm wonderfully made/ elected and
affected by your irresistible grace/ and Lord that means
something/ take my heart and then clean something/ make
me mature and help me endure please/ deliver me from the
guilt and the filth/ find me on my knees/ knelt down about
to put my face to the ground/ when I start renewin' my
mind it'll lessen the times I have to sing